Prayer Quilt Ministry

What is a Prayer Quilt?

Prayer quilts are a simple idea with powerful results.  The prayer quilt is more that just a colorful comforting blanket.  The warmth they bring comes from the prayers that are tied into each knot.

The quilt is a “lap quilt” with heavy thread.  The quilt is dedicated to a specific person with a special need. Each thread is tied in a square knot by members of the congregation.  As each knot is tied, a silent prayer is offered  for the recipient. The quilt is then given as a gift of love and prayer to someone with a special need.

Who receives a quilt?

Quilts have been made for sick babies, cancer patients, adults facing surgery, and others facing various crises.  We don’t decide that someone needs a quilt.  We only make quilts when someone specifically requests we pray for someone.

Who makes the quilts?

Anyone who wants to join the group! If you would like to be part of this rewarding ministry, you are welcome whether you are a quilter or not.  Then you can become a witness to the awesome power of prayer.  

How did Prayers and Squares get started?

It was originally started as a quilting group in 1992 at Hope United Church in Rancho Bernardo, CA, with no other purpose than to have fun making quilts together. Then a group member’s two year old grandson ended up in coma following surgery.  There was no time to quilt, so it was tied with perle cotton thread as silent prayrers were said for Kody. “There must be a prayer tied in each knot” someone remarked.

The parents of other children were asking where they could get prayer quilts for their sick little ones.  The idea of making quilts for people in need just grew from there.